Criminologist Dr. David A. Camp is an expert in human behavior with over 30 years of experience in mental health and academia. He’s a published author, researcher and professional interviewer.
He has been interviewed by many widely known publications such as People Magazine (Mark Hacking case), The St. Louis Post Dispatch and The Kansas City Star for his expertise in deception.
Dr. Camp has provided personal consultations with a number of highly regarded professionals including those in the film industry, law enforcement, law practice, medical professions and personal defensive training as well as clients who simply sought more information regarding personal situations.

Doctor Of Philosophy-Sociology of Deviant Behavior
Criminal and Deviant Behavior, Research Methodology
Oklahoma State University -1995. Stillwater, Oklahoma
Master Of Science in Sociology
Demography and Social Ecology
Oklahoma State University -1991. Stillwater, Oklahoma
Bachelor Of Arts In Sociology
Ethnographic Research and American Indian Studies
Northeastern State University -1979, Tahlequah, Oklahoma
Other Relevant Education
Deception Identification TrainingLaboratory for the Scientific Investigation of Statement Content Analysis (LSI-SCAN)
Reid Technique Training
Facial Action Coding System (FACS)
Subtle and Micro Expression Analysis (expert at advanced levels)
Dangerous Demeanor Detection (D3) Analysis
Criminal and Deviant Behavior, Research Methodology
Oklahoma State University -1995. Stillwater, Oklahoma
Master Of Science in Sociology
Demography and Social Ecology
Oklahoma State University -1991. Stillwater, Oklahoma
Bachelor Of Arts In Sociology
Ethnographic Research and American Indian Studies
Northeastern State University -1979, Tahlequah, Oklahoma
Other Relevant Education
Deception Identification TrainingLaboratory for the Scientific Investigation of Statement Content Analysis (LSI-SCAN)
Reid Technique Training
Facial Action Coding System (FACS)
Subtle and Micro Expression Analysis (expert at advanced levels)
Dangerous Demeanor Detection (D3) Analysis
American Sentinel University-Vanderbilt University’s online affiliate
Part Time Dean, College of Criminal Justice. Program developer Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice, hired and arranged online teacher training for all criminal justice faculty.
Blackburn College
Department Chair, Criminal Justice. 700 College Ave. Carlinville, IL 62626. Responsible for all duties related to this major including locating, interviewing and assisting adjunct instructors.
Culver-Stockton College
Tenured Associate Professor and Department Chair, Criminal Justice. Tenured Associate Professor and Department Chair -Department of Sociology. Academic Assessment Chair. One College Hill Canton, MO 63435
Part Time Dean, College of Criminal Justice. Program developer Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice, hired and arranged online teacher training for all criminal justice faculty.
Blackburn College
Department Chair, Criminal Justice. 700 College Ave. Carlinville, IL 62626. Responsible for all duties related to this major including locating, interviewing and assisting adjunct instructors.
Culver-Stockton College
Tenured Associate Professor and Department Chair, Criminal Justice. Tenured Associate Professor and Department Chair -Department of Sociology. Academic Assessment Chair. One College Hill Canton, MO 63435
Blackburn College-Tenured Professor of Criminal Justice
Courses Taught
Advanced Deception Management-Research based advanced theory, physiology and training related to deception and lie detecting as used in intelligence, security and law enforcement. This is a demanding course with a wide range of topical areas.
Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice-A special topics course focused on the identification, explanation and solutions efforts concerning the various problematic issues related to criminal justice. Lecture, specialized guest speakers and student presentation.
Corrections-Theory, history, application and effectiveness of correctional programs in America. Lecture, group projects, field trips.
Criminal Behavior-An overview of crime and delinquency from a psychosocial perspective focusing on behavioral, emotional and cognitive aspects.
Criminal Justice-An introductory survey of the field of criminal justice.
Criminology-Theory, history, and the attributes of the scientific study of crime, criminals, and the societal response to crime. Lecture, formal group debates, and class participation format.
Deception Management-Theory, history, and the attributes of the scientific study of deception and deception detection. Content includes an interdisciplinary overview of the theoretical and applied aspects of deception and deception detection. Training and practice in interviewing, interrogation, discourse analysis, kinesics, and Expression Analysis.
Defensive Tactics-A defensive tactics program designed for criminal justice and self defense applications. Using weaknesses of human architecture, this program teaches how to neutralize an attack regardless of size or strength and requires no striking, punching or kicking.
Deviant Behavior-Theory, history and the attributes of the scientific study of deviance focusing on both criminal and non-criminal deviance and the various societal responses. Lecture, specialized guest speakers and presentation of research.
Family Violence-A criminal justice perspective on the growing worldwide epidemic of violence committed upon family members.
Introductory Sociology-Presentation of basic concepts leading to interactive class discussions in relation to life and the application of sociological perspectives.
Juvenile Delinquency-Theoretical and research aspects of youth and criminal activities. Lecture, class interaction, and specialized guest speakers.
Marriage and the Family-Sociology of family relationships and dynamics associated with the institution of marriage and its various attributes.
Senior Seminar-A survey of selected classical criminal justice readings, topical discussions and debates of contemporary issues. Additional assessment and post graduate preparation assignments all of which assess major area knowledge and enhance the transition to the student’s next stage of professional development.
Culver-Stockton College-Tenured Associate Professor
Department Chair (Department of Criminal Justice and Department of Sociology)
Courses Taught
Anthropology-History, Theory, and approaches to the investigations of origins of man and the existing cultural perspectives of cultural anthropology, ethnography, and archaeology.
Corrections-Theory, history, application and effectiveness of correctional programs in America. Lecture, group projects, field trips.
Community Based Corrections-Theory, history, application and effectiveness of correctional programs in America. Lecture, group projects, field trips.
Criminology-Theory, history, and the attributes of the scientific study of crime, criminals, and the societal response to crime. Lecture, formal group debates, and class participation format.
Deception and Deception Detection-Theory, history, and the attributes of the scientific study of deception and deception detection. Content includes an interdisciplinary overview of the theoretical and applied aspects of deception and deception detection. Training and practice sessions in interviewing, interrogation, discourse analysis, kinesics, and others are surveyed in the course.
Deviance-Theory, history, and the attributes of the scientific study of deviance focusing on both criminal and noncriminal deviance and the various societal responses. Lecture, specialized guest speakers, and presentations of research.
Introductory Sociology-Presentation of basic concepts leading to interactive class discussions in relation to life and the application of sociological perspectives.
Juvenile Delinquency-Theoretical and research aspects of youth and criminal activities. Lecture, class interaction, and specialized guest speakers.
Marriage and the Family-Sociology of family relationships and dynamics associated with the institution of marriage and its various attributes.
Social Research Methods-Theory and techniques of designing and conducting research. Students are required to design and carry out a socially based research project utilizing two methods of inquiry. Must include a report on the survey and proposal design, data collection and analysis.
Northeastern State University-Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology
Courses Taught
Corrections-Theory, history, application and effectiveness of correctional programs in America. Lecture, group projects, field trips.
Criminology-Theory, history, and the attributes of the scientific study of crime, criminals, and the societal response to crime. Lecture, formal group debates, and class participation format.
Deviant Behavior -Theory, history, and the attributes of the scientific study of deviance focusing on both criminal and noncriminal deviance and the various societal responses. Lecture, specialized guest speakers, and presentations of research.
Females in Criminal Justice-Graduate level special issues course focusing on female criminals female criminal justice professionals. Emphasis on literature review, critical thinking and writing. Lecture, class discussion, presentations and on site correctional visits.
Focus Group Moderator and Instructor-Public perceptions and realities of corrections in America. Conducted over several weeks for The League of Women Voters in Muskogee, Oklahoma. Disccusion groups, group projects and lecture.
Introductory Sociology-Presentation of basic concepts leading to interactive class discussions in relation to life and the application of sociological perspectives.
Juvenile Delinquency-Theoretical and research aspects of youth and criminal activities. Lecture, class interaction, and specialized guest speakers.
Social Statistics-Fundamental statistical concepts for social work and sociology students. Lecture and application format.
Oklahoma State University
Courses Taught
Introductory Sociology-General education approach to introduce the fundamental of sociological studies and findings. Emphasis on critical thinking and writing. Lecture, class discussion, guest speakers, research projects and formal presentations.
Social Ecology-Classical spatial human ecology and the impact of humans on the environment. Lecture and class interaction format.
Social Problems-introduction to the scope and depth of social problems and the associated basic concepts of deviance. Lecture and class interaction format.
Focus Group Moderator-Influence of the Media and environmental advertising. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater Oklahoma.
Guest Lecturer-Graduate Sociological Theory II. Chaos theory in Advanced Sociology. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater Oklahoma.
Guest Lecturer-Campus Forum -Applications of Chaos Theory to social sciences. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater Oklahoma.
Courses Taught
Advanced Deception Management-Research based advanced theory, physiology and training related to deception and lie detecting as used in intelligence, security and law enforcement. This is a demanding course with a wide range of topical areas.
Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice-A special topics course focused on the identification, explanation and solutions efforts concerning the various problematic issues related to criminal justice. Lecture, specialized guest speakers and student presentation.
Corrections-Theory, history, application and effectiveness of correctional programs in America. Lecture, group projects, field trips.
Criminal Behavior-An overview of crime and delinquency from a psychosocial perspective focusing on behavioral, emotional and cognitive aspects.
Criminal Justice-An introductory survey of the field of criminal justice.
Criminology-Theory, history, and the attributes of the scientific study of crime, criminals, and the societal response to crime. Lecture, formal group debates, and class participation format.
Deception Management-Theory, history, and the attributes of the scientific study of deception and deception detection. Content includes an interdisciplinary overview of the theoretical and applied aspects of deception and deception detection. Training and practice in interviewing, interrogation, discourse analysis, kinesics, and Expression Analysis.
Defensive Tactics-A defensive tactics program designed for criminal justice and self defense applications. Using weaknesses of human architecture, this program teaches how to neutralize an attack regardless of size or strength and requires no striking, punching or kicking.
Deviant Behavior-Theory, history and the attributes of the scientific study of deviance focusing on both criminal and non-criminal deviance and the various societal responses. Lecture, specialized guest speakers and presentation of research.
Family Violence-A criminal justice perspective on the growing worldwide epidemic of violence committed upon family members.
Introductory Sociology-Presentation of basic concepts leading to interactive class discussions in relation to life and the application of sociological perspectives.
Juvenile Delinquency-Theoretical and research aspects of youth and criminal activities. Lecture, class interaction, and specialized guest speakers.
Marriage and the Family-Sociology of family relationships and dynamics associated with the institution of marriage and its various attributes.
Senior Seminar-A survey of selected classical criminal justice readings, topical discussions and debates of contemporary issues. Additional assessment and post graduate preparation assignments all of which assess major area knowledge and enhance the transition to the student’s next stage of professional development.
Culver-Stockton College-Tenured Associate Professor
Department Chair (Department of Criminal Justice and Department of Sociology)
Courses Taught
Anthropology-History, Theory, and approaches to the investigations of origins of man and the existing cultural perspectives of cultural anthropology, ethnography, and archaeology.
Corrections-Theory, history, application and effectiveness of correctional programs in America. Lecture, group projects, field trips.
Community Based Corrections-Theory, history, application and effectiveness of correctional programs in America. Lecture, group projects, field trips.
Criminology-Theory, history, and the attributes of the scientific study of crime, criminals, and the societal response to crime. Lecture, formal group debates, and class participation format.
Deception and Deception Detection-Theory, history, and the attributes of the scientific study of deception and deception detection. Content includes an interdisciplinary overview of the theoretical and applied aspects of deception and deception detection. Training and practice sessions in interviewing, interrogation, discourse analysis, kinesics, and others are surveyed in the course.
Deviance-Theory, history, and the attributes of the scientific study of deviance focusing on both criminal and noncriminal deviance and the various societal responses. Lecture, specialized guest speakers, and presentations of research.
Introductory Sociology-Presentation of basic concepts leading to interactive class discussions in relation to life and the application of sociological perspectives.
Juvenile Delinquency-Theoretical and research aspects of youth and criminal activities. Lecture, class interaction, and specialized guest speakers.
Marriage and the Family-Sociology of family relationships and dynamics associated with the institution of marriage and its various attributes.
Social Research Methods-Theory and techniques of designing and conducting research. Students are required to design and carry out a socially based research project utilizing two methods of inquiry. Must include a report on the survey and proposal design, data collection and analysis.
Northeastern State University-Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology
Courses Taught
Corrections-Theory, history, application and effectiveness of correctional programs in America. Lecture, group projects, field trips.
Criminology-Theory, history, and the attributes of the scientific study of crime, criminals, and the societal response to crime. Lecture, formal group debates, and class participation format.
Deviant Behavior -Theory, history, and the attributes of the scientific study of deviance focusing on both criminal and noncriminal deviance and the various societal responses. Lecture, specialized guest speakers, and presentations of research.
Females in Criminal Justice-Graduate level special issues course focusing on female criminals female criminal justice professionals. Emphasis on literature review, critical thinking and writing. Lecture, class discussion, presentations and on site correctional visits.
Focus Group Moderator and Instructor-Public perceptions and realities of corrections in America. Conducted over several weeks for The League of Women Voters in Muskogee, Oklahoma. Disccusion groups, group projects and lecture.
Introductory Sociology-Presentation of basic concepts leading to interactive class discussions in relation to life and the application of sociological perspectives.
Juvenile Delinquency-Theoretical and research aspects of youth and criminal activities. Lecture, class interaction, and specialized guest speakers.
Social Statistics-Fundamental statistical concepts for social work and sociology students. Lecture and application format.
Oklahoma State University
Courses Taught
Introductory Sociology-General education approach to introduce the fundamental of sociological studies and findings. Emphasis on critical thinking and writing. Lecture, class discussion, guest speakers, research projects and formal presentations.
Social Ecology-Classical spatial human ecology and the impact of humans on the environment. Lecture and class interaction format.
Social Problems-introduction to the scope and depth of social problems and the associated basic concepts of deviance. Lecture and class interaction format.
Focus Group Moderator-Influence of the Media and environmental advertising. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater Oklahoma.
Guest Lecturer-Graduate Sociological Theory II. Chaos theory in Advanced Sociology. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater Oklahoma.
Guest Lecturer-Campus Forum -Applications of Chaos Theory to social sciences. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater Oklahoma.
Seminar Presentations (Multiple Events)-Deception Management Training Seminar.
Substitute Instructor -Cherokee language. Westville Public Schools, Westville, Oklahoma.
Guest Lecturer-Elephant Behaviorism and Zoo Ecology. Psychology and Education classes. South Dade Community College. Miami, Florida.
Substitute Instructor -Cherokee language. Westville Public Schools, Westville, Oklahoma.
Guest Lecturer-Elephant Behaviorism and Zoo Ecology. Psychology and Education classes. South Dade Community College. Miami, Florida.
Escapee Profile Analysis. Evaluated available data to establish a beginning identification of high risk inmates. Oklahoma Department of Corrections. 1996
Female Offender Regimented Treatment Program Evaluation. Evaluated the success of the female boot camp program in comparison to control group. Oklahoma Department of Corrections. Funded by Oklahoma Criminal Justice Research Consortium and the Oklahoma Department of Corrections. 1994
Pre-Parole Community Supervison Program Evaluation. Research to establish effectiveness of program. Research funded by Oklahoma Criminal Justice Research Consortium and the Oklahoma Department of Corrections. 1994
Vocational/Technical Education Program Graduate Profiles. Research to establish profiles of inmates that were program failures. Research funded by Oklahoma Criminal Justice Research Consortium and the Oklahoma Department of Corrections. 1994
Oklahoma Incarceration Rates by Race. Crime and Racial Characteristics of Inmates within the Oklahoma Department of Correction’s Penal System. Funded by Oklahoma Criminal Justice Research Consortium and Oklahoma Department of Corrections. 1993
Female Offender Regimented Treatment Program Evaluation. Evaluated the success of the female boot camp program in comparison to control group. Oklahoma Department of Corrections. Funded by Oklahoma Criminal Justice Research Consortium and the Oklahoma Department of Corrections. 1994
Pre-Parole Community Supervison Program Evaluation. Research to establish effectiveness of program. Research funded by Oklahoma Criminal Justice Research Consortium and the Oklahoma Department of Corrections. 1994
Vocational/Technical Education Program Graduate Profiles. Research to establish profiles of inmates that were program failures. Research funded by Oklahoma Criminal Justice Research Consortium and the Oklahoma Department of Corrections. 1994
Oklahoma Incarceration Rates by Race. Crime and Racial Characteristics of Inmates within the Oklahoma Department of Correction’s Penal System. Funded by Oklahoma Criminal Justice Research Consortium and Oklahoma Department of Corrections. 1993
Camp, David A. (2011)
Exposing Lies, Deception Management. Create Space.
Camp, David A. and Rudd, Deverie (2005)
Teen Girls Survival Guide to Lies Liars and Lying. Goldberry Press.
Camp, David A. (2001)
Exposing Lies. Authorhouse Press.
Camp, David A. (1997)
Chaos and Crime. Explaining Criminality. Ex Scientia. Vol. 7, 2001. 21-29.
Camp, David A. and Chan M. Hellman (1997)
Chaos and the Withering Family. Journal of Humanity and Society 21, 190-198.
Camp, David A. and Harjit Sandhu (1996)
Female Offender Regimented Treatment (FORT) Evaluation. Journal of the Oklahoma Criminal Justice Research Consortium Vol. 2. Oklahoma Department of Corrections Oklahoma City, OK.
Camp, David A. and Harjit Sandhu (1995)
Incarceration and Correctional Alternatives. Edna McConnell Clark Conference “Seeking Justice: Rethinking Punishment”. Campaign for Effective Crime Policy. Oklahoma Criminal Justice System Task Force.
Camp, David A. (1994)
Oklahoma Incarceration Rates by Race. Journal of the Oklahoma Criminal Justice Research Consortium Vol. (1). Oklahoma City, OK.
Camp David A. and Jack E. Bynum (1994)
Socialization of Energy Beliefs and Attitudes. Free Inquiry Journal of Sociology. Stillwater, Oklahoma. May 1994.
Camp, David A. (1992)
Chapter Introductions for Social Ecology and Socialization. Sociology Readings and Activities Manual (2nd & 3rd eds.). Copley’s Publishing Group. Acton, MA.
Camp, David A. (1992)
Problems of Global Overpopulation. Sociology Readings and Activities Manual (3rd ed.). Copley’s Publishing Group. Acton, MA.
Camp, David A. (1987)
Youth Education in Social Skills: Operations Manual. Operations Manual, Social and Life Skills Training for Youth. Childrens’ Village, Tyler, TX.
Exposing Lies, Deception Management. Create Space.
Camp, David A. and Rudd, Deverie (2005)
Teen Girls Survival Guide to Lies Liars and Lying. Goldberry Press.
Camp, David A. (2001)
Exposing Lies. Authorhouse Press.
Camp, David A. (1997)
Chaos and Crime. Explaining Criminality. Ex Scientia. Vol. 7, 2001. 21-29.
Camp, David A. and Chan M. Hellman (1997)
Chaos and the Withering Family. Journal of Humanity and Society 21, 190-198.
Camp, David A. and Harjit Sandhu (1996)
Female Offender Regimented Treatment (FORT) Evaluation. Journal of the Oklahoma Criminal Justice Research Consortium Vol. 2. Oklahoma Department of Corrections Oklahoma City, OK.
Camp, David A. and Harjit Sandhu (1995)
Incarceration and Correctional Alternatives. Edna McConnell Clark Conference “Seeking Justice: Rethinking Punishment”. Campaign for Effective Crime Policy. Oklahoma Criminal Justice System Task Force.
Camp, David A. (1994)
Oklahoma Incarceration Rates by Race. Journal of the Oklahoma Criminal Justice Research Consortium Vol. (1). Oklahoma City, OK.
Camp David A. and Jack E. Bynum (1994)
Socialization of Energy Beliefs and Attitudes. Free Inquiry Journal of Sociology. Stillwater, Oklahoma. May 1994.
Camp, David A. (1992)
Chapter Introductions for Social Ecology and Socialization. Sociology Readings and Activities Manual (2nd & 3rd eds.). Copley’s Publishing Group. Acton, MA.
Camp, David A. (1992)
Problems of Global Overpopulation. Sociology Readings and Activities Manual (3rd ed.). Copley’s Publishing Group. Acton, MA.
Camp, David A. (1987)
Youth Education in Social Skills: Operations Manual. Operations Manual, Social and Life Skills Training for Youth. Childrens’ Village, Tyler, TX.
Professional, Community Service and by Request
Anti-Deception Interviewing Missouri Assisted Living Association. 2010
Recognition of Anger – Early Warning Signs. Barnes Jewish Hospital. 2009
Deception Management – Barnes Jewish Hospital. 2011, 2010
Deception Management – Macoupin County Il. Educators. 2008
Deception Management – Washington State Department of Mental Health. 2006
Chaos Theory and the Withering Family: Explanations of American Criminality. American Society of Criminologists -Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL. 1996
Female Criminality Reconsidered: Relational motivations for criminal choices. American Society of Criminologists -Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL. 1996
Chaos as a Theoretical Matrix for Social Structural Development. University Wide Presentation Seminar Oklahoma State University. Stillwater, Oklahoma. 1995
FORT Evaluation/ Offender Characteristics. Criminal Justice Research Consortium special report -Oklahoma Department of Corrections. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. 1994
Oklahoma Female Boot Camp Evaluation. American Society of Criminologists -Annual Meeting. Miami Florida. 1994
Vocational Educational Recidivist Profiles. Criminal Justice Research Consortium. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. 1993
Pre Parole Program Evaluation in Oklahoma. Criminal Justice Research Consortium. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. 1993
Oklahoma Incarceration Rates by Race. Criminal Justice Research Consortium. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. 1993
Chaos Theory and Sociology. Oklahoma Sociological Association. Oklahoma State University. Stillwater, Oklahoma. 1992
Chaos Theory and Complex Organizational Shifts of Authority. Oklahoma Academy of Sciences. South Eastern Oklahoma State University, Durant Oklahoma. 1991
Chaos Theory and Sociology: Chatuaqua Short Course for Instructors -Time, Rhythms and Chaos in the New Dialogue With Nature. University of Texas at Austin. 1993
Socialization of Energy Beliefs and Attitudes. University Presentation Seminar Oklahoma State University. Stillwater, Oklahoma. 1992
Use of Water in Traditional Cherokee Medicine. Conclusions from an 18 month full immersion ethnographic study as apprentice to a Cherokee Shaman. Oklahoma Academy of Sciences. Stillwater, Oklahoma. 1979
Anti-Deception Interviewing Missouri Assisted Living Association. 2010
Recognition of Anger – Early Warning Signs. Barnes Jewish Hospital. 2009
Deception Management – Barnes Jewish Hospital. 2011, 2010
Deception Management – Macoupin County Il. Educators. 2008
Deception Management – Washington State Department of Mental Health. 2006
Chaos Theory and the Withering Family: Explanations of American Criminality. American Society of Criminologists -Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL. 1996
Female Criminality Reconsidered: Relational motivations for criminal choices. American Society of Criminologists -Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL. 1996
Chaos as a Theoretical Matrix for Social Structural Development. University Wide Presentation Seminar Oklahoma State University. Stillwater, Oklahoma. 1995
FORT Evaluation/ Offender Characteristics. Criminal Justice Research Consortium special report -Oklahoma Department of Corrections. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. 1994
Oklahoma Female Boot Camp Evaluation. American Society of Criminologists -Annual Meeting. Miami Florida. 1994
Vocational Educational Recidivist Profiles. Criminal Justice Research Consortium. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. 1993
Pre Parole Program Evaluation in Oklahoma. Criminal Justice Research Consortium. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. 1993
Oklahoma Incarceration Rates by Race. Criminal Justice Research Consortium. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. 1993
Chaos Theory and Sociology. Oklahoma Sociological Association. Oklahoma State University. Stillwater, Oklahoma. 1992
Chaos Theory and Complex Organizational Shifts of Authority. Oklahoma Academy of Sciences. South Eastern Oklahoma State University, Durant Oklahoma. 1991
Chaos Theory and Sociology: Chatuaqua Short Course for Instructors -Time, Rhythms and Chaos in the New Dialogue With Nature. University of Texas at Austin. 1993
Socialization of Energy Beliefs and Attitudes. University Presentation Seminar Oklahoma State University. Stillwater, Oklahoma. 1992
Use of Water in Traditional Cherokee Medicine. Conclusions from an 18 month full immersion ethnographic study as apprentice to a Cherokee Shaman. Oklahoma Academy of Sciences. Stillwater, Oklahoma. 1979
Who’s Who Among American Teachers. 1997, 1999, 2002
Larry Perkins Teaching Award-Award for outstanding graduate student teaching. Oklahoma State University, Department of Sociology. 1994
Phoenix Award-Outstanding Ph.D. of the university (runner up). Oklahoma State University. 1993
Outstanding Scholar-Oklahoma State University, Department of Sociology. 1991/92 and 1992/93
Larry Perkins Teaching Award-Award for outstanding graduate student teaching. Oklahoma State University, Department of Sociology. 1994
Phoenix Award-Outstanding Ph.D. of the university (runner up). Oklahoma State University. 1993
Outstanding Scholar-Oklahoma State University, Department of Sociology. 1991/92 and 1992/93
Board of Directors, Defensive Tactics Technologies-An organization dedicated to providing Steven Seagal’s style of Aikido training through Senior student and Master. Instructor Mr. Elliot Freeman. Present.
Communications Committee, Metrozoo, Miami, Florida. Identified specialized equipment for zookeepers to use when they are severely injured in isolated areas. 1982
Graduate Student Representative-Communications Committee, Oklahoma State University Graduate Student Council reporting committee. 1990
Youth Education in Social Skills (YESS): Creation and Implementation-Organizational and behavioral components for institutional child care management and social skills training for children. Childrens’ Village, Tyler, Texas. 1985
Weighted Stress Capacity Gauging System-Stress gauge for determining resident population capacity. Acknowledged as “an impressive system” and an “exciting concept” by Texas Department of Human Resources State Supervisor. Children’s Village, Tyler, Texas. 1985
Educational Videotape Production-Developed educational programs for the National Science Council, Cherokee Nation and Northeastern Oklahoma State University Professors. Northeastern State University, Tahlequah, Oklahoma. 1976-1979
Executive Committee Member-Oklahoma Criminal Justice Research Consortium. 1995-1997
External Thesis Advisor-Oklahoma Criminal Justice Research Consortium. 1995-1997
Graduate Student Council Representative for the Department of Sociology . Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma. 1990-1991
Non-traditional Student Task Force, Chair-Established scholarship and added flexibility of admissions for non-traditional students. Designed Child Care Needs Survey for Non-traditional student population. Oklahoma State University Graduate Student Council. 1991
Proofing Assistant for “Juvenile Delinquency” 2nd ed. (J. Bynum and W.Thompson,1991). Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma. 1991
Safety Committee, Metrozoo, Miami, Florida. Identified risk areas and equipment necessary to decrease Zookeeper risk factors. 1981
Sociology Graduate Student Representative to Faculty and Departmental Meetings. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma. 1991-1993
Vice Chair Division of Social Sciences -Oklahoma Academy of Sciences. 1991
Communications Committee, Metrozoo, Miami, Florida. Identified specialized equipment for zookeepers to use when they are severely injured in isolated areas. 1982
Graduate Student Representative-Communications Committee, Oklahoma State University Graduate Student Council reporting committee. 1990
Youth Education in Social Skills (YESS): Creation and Implementation-Organizational and behavioral components for institutional child care management and social skills training for children. Childrens’ Village, Tyler, Texas. 1985
Weighted Stress Capacity Gauging System-Stress gauge for determining resident population capacity. Acknowledged as “an impressive system” and an “exciting concept” by Texas Department of Human Resources State Supervisor. Children’s Village, Tyler, Texas. 1985
Educational Videotape Production-Developed educational programs for the National Science Council, Cherokee Nation and Northeastern Oklahoma State University Professors. Northeastern State University, Tahlequah, Oklahoma. 1976-1979
Executive Committee Member-Oklahoma Criminal Justice Research Consortium. 1995-1997
External Thesis Advisor-Oklahoma Criminal Justice Research Consortium. 1995-1997
Graduate Student Council Representative for the Department of Sociology . Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma. 1990-1991
Non-traditional Student Task Force, Chair-Established scholarship and added flexibility of admissions for non-traditional students. Designed Child Care Needs Survey for Non-traditional student population. Oklahoma State University Graduate Student Council. 1991
Proofing Assistant for “Juvenile Delinquency” 2nd ed. (J. Bynum and W.Thompson,1991). Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma. 1991
Safety Committee, Metrozoo, Miami, Florida. Identified risk areas and equipment necessary to decrease Zookeeper risk factors. 1981
Sociology Graduate Student Representative to Faculty and Departmental Meetings. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma. 1991-1993
Vice Chair Division of Social Sciences -Oklahoma Academy of Sciences. 1991
Researcher-Multi-state Peace Officer in Service Training Research, Steven Seagal. 2009-2010
Researcher/ Interviewer-Developmental Disabilities Research program, Department of Sociology, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma. 1989-1990
Researcher -Multi-state Peace Officer in Service Training Research and Applications. Three Rivers Aikido, St. Louis Mo. 2000-2010
Counselor/Case Manager/ Emergency Evaluator-Client management, counselor, group activity supervisor, client diagnosis and expert witness in emergency mental health evaluations. CREOKS Mental Health Agency, Okmulgee, Oklahoma 1988-1989
At Risk Child Care Ranch Manager-Supervision of abused children and assistants as cottage parent. Continuous care of institutionalized youth and 109 acre ranch. Children’s Village, Tyler, Texas. 1985-1988
Zookeeper and Animal Trainer-Training, maintenance, and care of elephants and various large exotic mammals. Caldwell Zoo, Tyler, Texas. 1984-1985
Elephant Keeper and Trainer-Training, maintenance, and care of Asian and African elephants. Development, production and presentation of internationally acclaimed elephant show. Additional duties included capture, restraint, and all other aspects of total zoo management and animal care. Dade County Metrozoo, Miami, Florida. 1981-1984
Exotic Animal Keeper-Training, maintenance, and care of exotic zoo specimens and elephant training. Production and presentation. Additional duties included assistant trainer for the elephant training demonstration, capture, restraint, and other aspects of total zoo management and animal care. Jacksonville Zoo, Jacksonville, Florida. 1979-1981
Researcher/ Interviewer-Developmental Disabilities Research program, Department of Sociology, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma. 1989-1990
Researcher -Multi-state Peace Officer in Service Training Research and Applications. Three Rivers Aikido, St. Louis Mo. 2000-2010
Counselor/Case Manager/ Emergency Evaluator-Client management, counselor, group activity supervisor, client diagnosis and expert witness in emergency mental health evaluations. CREOKS Mental Health Agency, Okmulgee, Oklahoma 1988-1989
At Risk Child Care Ranch Manager-Supervision of abused children and assistants as cottage parent. Continuous care of institutionalized youth and 109 acre ranch. Children’s Village, Tyler, Texas. 1985-1988
Zookeeper and Animal Trainer-Training, maintenance, and care of elephants and various large exotic mammals. Caldwell Zoo, Tyler, Texas. 1984-1985
Elephant Keeper and Trainer-Training, maintenance, and care of Asian and African elephants. Development, production and presentation of internationally acclaimed elephant show. Additional duties included capture, restraint, and all other aspects of total zoo management and animal care. Dade County Metrozoo, Miami, Florida. 1981-1984
Exotic Animal Keeper-Training, maintenance, and care of exotic zoo specimens and elephant training. Production and presentation. Additional duties included assistant trainer for the elephant training demonstration, capture, restraint, and other aspects of total zoo management and animal care. Jacksonville Zoo, Jacksonville, Florida. 1979-1981
© 2023 David A. Camp