Uses his intelligence to improve the existing state of knowledge.
Harjit S. Sandhu MS, MSW, PhD – Criminologist
A masterpiece in terms of its crucial objective, thorough, authoritative.
Dr. Don Allen, Social Psychologist – Professor Emeritus;
Oklahoma State University
It is astonishing, the amount of useful information you were able to reveal. The data you uncovered made the miscarriage of justice clear to anyone. My only regret is that I didn’t know about your services earlier!
Dr. Joseph Cwikla, Endodontist – Florida Medical Examiner
Deception Management has definitely given me the upper hand, especially when dealing with career criminals who know the game.
Officer Derek Machens, St. Louis County Police Department
Very helpful; I encourage everyone to seek your services.
Jhesi Klumpp, Charge Investigator, Barnes-Jewish Hospital
Learned a lot! The course and book are excellent resources and valuable additions to my tools as police officer and police chief.
Corey Bringer, Police Chief Canton, Missouri
Best book I have read on the subject matter. Great job making the subject matter easy to grasp. Contained more information on detecting deception than most.
Jim McGuffey, Ace Security Consultants
Isn’t it bull that some professors teach classes like Dr. Camp’s Deception Management? My bf took that class and I made a mistake & cheated on him. I was hoping to never tell him. He asked me to write down what I did that day for his class. Then he started finding all these errors and stuff and I finally confessed. He ruined my relationship. You should not teach those things!
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